Dear Porn Industry

Dear Porn Industry,

You define lies and deceit. Countless men and women alike dance with you like a stripper on a pole. They dance until all love, trust, loyalty, dignity, and will are gone.

Like a common thief, you’ve stolen spouses from my friends and family. You even stole my husband. You stole his love, his honesty, and his ability to see truth and perceive reality. You stripped him of the man he could’ve been. You stripped us of our future.

Your very existence is void, a black hole. You grow by tearing others down. Countless lives, relationships, and marriages disappear within your void. You crush the already broken and give a false sense of reality to the deceived. You tell men and women what they should or shouldn’t be. Many listen, but you are wrong.

I’ve been an innocent victim of your webs of lies and deceit. I suffered as you danced with my ex husband. And what did that deceit bring me? Pain. Tear. Heartache. Betrayal. Lies. Abuse. Divorce. … But that doesn’t define who I was, who I am, or my future. What came from my suffering? Strength. Independence. Beauty. Healing. Love. Hope. Understanding. Friendships. Blessings.

These amazing results did NOT come because of you. They because of me, because of what I chose and what I understand. They came because I know who I am. I know I’m independent of the cause of the countless lies and abuse, no matter what he, his parents, or anyone else may have said. 

I am strong. I am beautiful. I know who I am and you can’t touch me. You already stole my marriage. You stole and continue to steal from friends, family, and peers, but we who are strong gain so much more than you take. You can’t break us.

I know you won’t stop, but I will stand up and speak out. There is nothing good that comes from you. There is nothing you have to offer that will improve the life of another.

Men and women who are burdened by the pornography industry, choose to walk away. Choose real love. Chose those who love you, really love you. Choose virtue and honesty. Be men and women who deserve respect. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. And then, replace it with good, wholesome activities. You know your triggers. You know what’s caused your addiction or habit. Break it. Replace it. Stop it. Today.


A Victim Who Won’t Be Victimized,

Analee Bekmezian

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