My Last Epistle

This was the last personal email I sent my ex, “Casey” on March 8, 2019. There were still a lot of divorce logistics that were discussed after this. My narrative still hasn’t changed and it never will. “I can’t sleep knowing you’re only a few doors down from me. I’ve been trying to fall asleep …


In my efforts to be more transparent with all the hate and opposition I am facing in relation to my ex, I am publicizing some emails I’ve sent. This email was one I sent on March 2, 2019 almost a month after my ex left. I will be substituting his name with “Casey”. “Casey, I …


A couple of months ago I received a message from a “friend”, we’ll call him Andy. We were more than acquaintances, but our friendship was very surface level and frankly, only existed because he was friends with my ex-husband. In his message, after congratulating me on my recent marriage, he proceeded to request that I …